Friday 30 July 2021

MOBU - The Best Partner to Assist Entrepeneurs in Capital Raising

“The story is that as the price has surged upwards lately, the concentration in the hands of the largest accounts has also risen” since July, said Eric Stone, head of data science at Flipside.

“While whales continue to be a significant force behind the overall BTC market, it is always challenging to ascribe a narrative to a particular price swing. The most likely whale story today is that they’ll cautiously liquidate relatively small amounts of BTC over time, rather than risking a supply shock by liquidating larger chunks all at once,” Stone added.  Unfortunately bitcoin`s decentralization can be questions as majority of it is owned by a few individuals although their nodes/validators per transaction remain higher than most cryptocurrencies.

A lot of hypotheses have arisen on why Bitcoin has gone like a bat out of hell almost 60% in the preceding few months, with most proclaiming extensive adoption by organizations and individuals too. The evidence persists that there’s nothing universal about Bitcoin ownership.

Moreover, being the Fastest Cryptocurrencies,Blockchain Speed 101 Transaction per second speed is becoming one of the most significant parameters among cryptocurrencies, as are fast-growing internet accelerations and technologies. 

Here are the three important elements of a good blockchain:

  1. Scalability is also acting as the cryptocurrency's proficiency to retain its enactment, even with millions of users and transactions. (Transactions per second)
  2. Decentralization is verifying and processing cryptocurrency transactions of hundreds or even millions of unrelated computers around the world. (Validators/Nodes)
  3. Security is exquisite self-explanatory. This encompasses stuff like a cryptocurrency consensus mechanism and the encryption of its code. (consensus methodology)

MOBU a leading cryptocurrency and investment bankcomplies with all of these above-mentioned parameters. Undoubtedly, there is no undercover evidence that Africa lacks access to capital and amasses less than 1% of global deal flow from Venture Capital funds although it consists of 30% resources and 60% agriculture land. The problems with crowdfunding in Africa are because of the lack of regulation and accountability as Africa, unfortunately, is known for corruption and nepotism in a global context.  When considering crowdfunding in Africa, it remains expensive and difficult to take legal action across borders. Another reason is the longer payment processing time as it easily takes 3-5 working days and even longer if not cleared by the central banks. Not only this the access to fake investors is another major concern there.  MOBU`s latest cryptocurrency version aims to handle over 1500 tps with over 20,000 validators and a consistent low transaction fee especially for the high volume, low value African market in a secure consensus methodology.

Looking into all these situations, MOBU has made an effort and tested all the models around the globe.  The most common model conceivably is paying a broker-dealer or fundraising partner 30-50k USD upfront to get introduced to 20 odd screened investors with no guarantee of success. MOBU Invest doesn't charge any upfront fees but is very particular to which projects they onboard as investment banking is reputational banking.  It only takes a success fee which can be relinquished if the organization incorporates MOBU payment solution into their corporation.  Although the foremost intention for MOBU was to build a blockchain-based crowdfunding platform, because documented above, raising the funds in private within our network was considered to be more worthwhile where the online portals would be the gateway to screen opportunities.  

In A Nutshell 

The enormous rise in institutional adoption of cryptocurrency we’ve seen over the conclusive year has put scalability in the limelight, but it’s left decentralization and security in the shade.

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MOBU - The Growing Currency of Africa

Blockchain is a highly secure system facilitating the recording and tracking of information in a way making it impossible or difficult to ha...