Tuesday 3 August 2021

Mobu - Fast. Secure.Low Transaction Fees

 The concept as a whole can be intimidating, but the principles are straightforward. Blockchain is a specific type of database that uniquely stores data, in the form of blocks. When opposed to a traditional database, the data in a blockchain is arranged differently. Whenever any new information arrives, a new block is generated carrying a piece of new information which is further combined and added to the chain. This creates a virtual chain of blocks, which is referred to as a "blockchain."

Every success story starts from failures, budding business is nothing but a rollercoaster ride that an entrepreneur has to go through even if he enjoys it or not. Following the same path, Mr. Juan Engelbrecht the CEO of MOBU introduced a digital investment bank with an aim of affordable payments shifting its focus from security tokens.  Juan, a former fund manager, that passion for capital markets started as early as at the age of fifteen with the purchase of his first shares in Didata.

MOBU has amassed an impressive investor network and plans to incorporate their payment system for the businesses where they will continue to support exceptional firms in raising financing in the form of equity as there has been no notable security token offering. Most ICOs had misled about their actual raise. Juan believes that security tokens are ahead of their time in Africa as of now; many innovations are required to make a stable consistency in the market as compared to a country like the US. Even though the ICO era was short-lived, Juan was able to pivot from his original concept and adapt to the changing times amending the company vision. Given that the ICO sector is now obsolete, only a few people would be able to realign the company's strategy to secure its ultimate success. MOBU was the largest initial coin offering ever undertaken in Africa. As the market of crypto is running low and transaction fees are up so the focus here lies on the speed and the transaction fee to improve the market.

Every transaction is in the form of blocks and takes place on a peer-to-peer network; direct transmission and verification are possible, removing the need for middlemen. The blockchain allows for direct money transfers, allowing transactions that would ordinarily take days to complete to be accomplished in minutes. MOBU being a digital investment bank has worked a lot on the concept they are working on to improve pricing factors as Juan's security tokens were initially based on ERC20 and his knowledge in this field is accurate because of his financial background and interest in the crypto market.  He soon noticed that both ETH & BTC`s transaction fees become unfeasibly high in times of congestion and made revolutionary improvements with their latest version of the MOBU cryptocurrency.  There are plenty of scam in any new industry but clearly MOBU has showed progress, development and remains in the market to inevitably succeed.

Juan was former fund manager at Evolve with funds that had a solid track record of being in the top quartile and hefurthermore was the one who went on to co-found the largest crypto mining enterprise in the Southern Hemisphere along with his partners Paul Pelser CA (SA) and Willem Marais, an American investor. Despite the volatility in the market of cryptocurrency many influencers have been vanished away, but Juan was the one who stayed committed to his goal of success and served as the CFO of various organizations, demonstrating his tremendous commercial acumen.

Crypto tokens are a tangible demonstration of Blockchain's security, and they cannot be hacked, faked, or double-spent meaning the same bitcoin can't be spent twice. It becomes exceedingly difficult to manipulate the database by distributing the data across the entire network rather than storing it in a single location. Even if some machines in the network are destroyed, physically tampering with more than 51% of the computers in the network is essentially unfeasible, especially for a network the size of Crypto.

MOBU`s focus remains to become the cheapest payment solution in the world and we look forward to their revolutionary product.

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MOBU - The Growing Currency of Africa

Blockchain is a highly secure system facilitating the recording and tracking of information in a way making it impossible or difficult to ha...