Friday 20 August 2021

MOBU CEO, Mr. Juan Engelbrecht

Every success story begins with scratch, and starting a business is nothing more than a roller coaster trip that every entrepreneur must go through, whether or not he loves it. Following a similar approach, MOBU CEO, Mr. Juan Engelbrecht, launched a digital Investment bank with an aim of real-timelow costpayments shifting its focus from security tokens.

Today, MOBU has racked up a sizable investor network and intends to integrate its payment system for businesses, where they continue to assist outstanding enterprises in raising Capital in the form of stock, as there has been no significant security token offer and the latter has proven to create more inefficiencies in capital markets than solve any problem. MOBU now stood Africa’s largest initial coin offering undertaking. Since the crypto market is at a low point and transaction expenses are rising, the focus here is on enhancing the market’s speed, scalability and transaction fees.

Every transaction is carried out in the form of blocks on a peer-to-peer network; direct transmission and verification are feasible, eliminating the need for mediators. Direct money transfers are possible because of the blockchain, which allows transactions that would normally take days to complete to be completed in minutes. Mobu latest upgrade intend to handle over 1500 transactions per second and use of lightning network with no stipulation code.

The notion as a whole can be coerced, but the precepts are straightforward. Blockchain is an explicit type of database that uniquely caches data, in the form of blocks. When contradicted to a traditional database, the data in a blockchain is arranged differently. Whenever any contemporary data arrives, a new block is induced transmitting a chunk of new data which is further amalgamated and put into the chain. This develops a virtual chain of blocks, which is cited to as a “blockchain”.

MOBU`s focus creeps to become the perfect monetary exchange of value in the world while everyone looks forward to their revolutionary product. The MOBU utility token is the primary financial unit and driving force behind the whole MOBU biological system or commercial centre. The MOBU utility token is the fuel that resolves the whole ecosystem, including the following important highlights:

● Without marking MOBU tokens, no specialised organisation will be able to make a profit.

● An airdrop and reward scheme that returns charges to MOBU token holders would enhance client inclusion.

● To increase the scarcity, MOBU tokens will be burnt every quarter creating the opposite effect of quantitative easing

●MOBU has been integrated into several businesses and discounts will be offered when paying in this way.

Why Should Financial Supporters Reinvest Into MOBU?

The definitive explanation will be given by taking a look at the organization’s interpretations and intuition. MOBU token is getting a handle on the contemplation of merchandisers and has amassed good sums of holders. As the alliance is innovation based all the exchanges are done through an automated stage making it effectively accessible to its patrons. The MOBU token has the likelihood to become the currency of Africa as it has all traits of a perfect exchange of monetary value catering for high volume and low value transacting.  Africa remains an unbanked population of 66% with an average cross border transaction of 16% clearly a problem being addressed.

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MOBU - The Growing Currency of Africa

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