Friday 10 September 2021

MOBU - Secure, Low Transaction Fees & Fastest Blockchain

The business world might come off buttoned-down from the outside - but in reality, it's a lot more fascinating than you might acknowledge. Several entrepreneurs are known for starting from failures, budding business is nothing but a rollercoaster ride that an entrepreneur has to go through even if he enjoys it or not. Following the same path, Mr. Juan Engelbrecht the CEO of MOBU introduced a digital investment bank with an aim of affordable payments shifting its focus from security tokens.

Juan was former fund manager at Evolve with funds that had a solid track record of being in the top quartile and he furthermore was the one who went on to co-found the largest crypto mining enterprise in the Southern Hemisphere along with his partners Paul Pelser CA (SA) and Willem Marais, an American investor. Despite the volatility in the market of cryptocurrency many influencers have vanished away, but Juan was the one who stayed committed to his goal of success and served as the CFO of various organizations, demonstrating his tremendous commercial acumen.

Today, MOBU has racked up up an ample investor network and aspires to incorporate its payment system for businesses, where they can continue to support exceptional enterprises in putting forward capital in the form of stock, as there has been no substantial security token offer and the latter has proven to create more inefficiencies in capital markets than solve any problem. MOBU now subsisted as Africa’s gigantic initial coin offering undertaking. Since the crypto market is at a low point and transaction expenses are rising, the focus here is on enhancing the market’s speed, scalability and transaction fees.

The concept as a whole can be forced, but the tenets are simple. Blockchain is a type of database that stores data in the form of blocks in a unique way. In comparison to a conventional database, the data in a blockchain is organised in a different way. Whenever new data arrives, a new block is triggered, transmitting a chunk of new data that is then combined and stored. This develops a virtual chain of blocks, which is cited as a “blockchain”.

MOBU has congregated a sizable investor network and wants to integrate their payment system for businesses, where they will continue to assist exceptional businesses in raising capital in the form of stock, as there has been no major security token offering. Most ICOs had misled about their actual raise. Juan believes that security tokens are ahead of their time in Africa as of now; many innovations are required to make a stable consistency in the market as compared to a country like the US. 

 In A Nutshell

MOBU's motive is to become the world's lowest payment solution, and we eagerly await their groundbreaking innovation. The MOBU token has the potential to become Africa's currency since it possesses all of the characteristics of a perfect monetary value exchange, allowing for both high volume and low value transactions, and it is one of the few blockchains that is really scalable.

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